Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's getting to be that time....

I got my weekly email from Fit Pregnancy updating me on what's going on inside my belly...

Around now your baby will probably have moved into the head-down position and he will soon descend into your pelvis. This position prepares him for birth and allows blood to flow to his developing brain.

I guess I should have known, but this email took me by surprise.  Baby is getting ready to come out in the near future... this is exciting and scary all at the same time!

I'm pretty sure this email was designed to bring on nesting. I better start getting my things in order!


  1. I never really 'believed' I nested. Until one day I found myself going around the upstairs vacuuming the corners of the walls with a newly found hose. I was vacuuming up over the washer and dryer, up in tiny spaces, getting rid of webs and dust and what not. All while smiling like the Joker. And did a BIG organization of baby stuff in LT's room. I didn't feel it was 'nesting' though. It was more how I normally function. For some reason I clean a LOT on Mondays. Odd. But you'll get the itch I'm sure. Just make sure to make room in the kitchen for bottles and formula and baby dishes (if you get any right away). That's easily overlooked! :)

  2. Thanks! I recently read in a magazine that you should have a cupboard and/or drawer in your kitchen just for baby stuff. I thought to myself 'Ha! how's that going to work?' My kitchen is already overflowing with crap! I'm sure I'll figure out a solution though. At least we have a big closet in Baby's room.
