Friday, April 1, 2011


This morning we had our monthly bagel breakfast at work. There are a couple of ladies that are pregnant in our office, so of course the conversation centered around baby stuff.  All of a sudden one of my co-workers says 'wait a second, are you pregnant Crystal?!'  Ummm...yea. Only like 6 months! Ha ha.  Thanks lady. I have been feeling quite huge lately, but apparently it's not that noticeable! I can only imagine what was going through her head before she realized I was pregnant - geez that girl should lay off the fast food she's getting quite a belly!


  1. Being that I know who you are talking about, this is SO funny! I miss Jean. She's so sweet! You know she wouldn't hold a single thought in her head like that. ha ha ha! Have you been smiling around the office? Don't want that rumor starting again. LOL!

  2. Whenever she sees me now she just laughs, because she can't believe she didn't notice!
